Feedback provided following the High School Counselor Webcast has often brought up questions around assisting youth who have special circumstances.

Join this webinar on May 29, 2013 from 2:00pm-3:00pm for four mini-sessions including the needs and available resources for special populations of youth.  The special populations to be addressed include:

  •     unaccompanied
  •     homeless
  •     foster
  •     undocumented youth

Each section will explain another step in how to assist a youth in special circumstances access education programs post high school.

Please join Ann Rossi (DHS Foster Care Division), Mark Delorey (WMU Financial Aid Director), and Pam Kies-Lowe (State Coordinator for Homeless Education) for this webinar.

This webinar will be live, as well as recorded for those who cannot participate on that date.

Space is limited.

Reserve your Webinar seat now, by clicking here.

This webinar will be live, as well as recorded for those who cannot participate on that date.