Fostering Success (FS) Coaching is a model of practice that takes into account the unique challenges that young people from foster care face as they exit a system of care.

FS Coaching skills enhance an individual’s ability to support a youth from foster care by assessing strengths and challenges in targeted seven life domains by determining level of need and matching optimal intervention and teaching life skills that strengthen youths’ healthy habits as they transition to their young adult years.

Session Dates:

Training will be offered twice during summer 2013

Session 1: July 24-26

Session 2: July 31- Aug 2

Training Format:

Fostering Success Coaching: Level I Training will be delivered in two components. Participants selected to attend the training will complete an online course, available during the month of July. The purpose of the online course is to prepare trainees with foundational knowledge that will maximize skill building in the 2 ½ day face-to-face training course.

Who should attend Fostering Success Coaching: Level I Training?

Fostering Success Coaching is intended to train professionals who are working with teens or college age youth who are preparing to attend college or who are currently enrolled in college.

Application Instructions:

Scholarship admission is selective. Selection is based on the applicant’s current role and type of work related to older youth and college students with foster care experience. To apply, please submit the scholarship application on or before June 14, 2013. Applicants will be notified of acceptance and scholarship no later than June 21st, 2013, and will be expected to confirm attendance by June 28th, 2013.

If you are interested in applying and are in need of an application, please contact Jamie Crandell, Fostering Success Coaching Training Coordinator at:


fax: attn. Jamie Crandell: 269-387-8360