Professionals and Students are invited to participate in our free upcoming webinars! These webinars offer concrete advice and information from experts who are also happy to answer your questions!

Upcoming Dates:

"Health Care: Considering Foster Youth Perspectives About Health Care"

When:  December 10, 2013 at 2:00pm EST

Approximately 26,000 youth age out of foster care each year across the country, most of them eligible for the new Medicaid Expansion through the Affordable Care Act. Do you and the adult supporters you work with think you're ready to help young people navigate the system?

The Affordable Care Act was passed in 2010 and finally youth from care will have access to parts of the law that are especially helpful to them! Join FosterClub Training and Policy Coordinator and student of the Affordable Care Act, Tim Bell, as he walks you through what he's learned about "Obamacare", its implications for foster youth, Medicaid Expansion, as well as what young people are saying (or not saying) about the new health care law.

Click Here to Register!


"Maximizing Available Resources for Students from Foster Care: TIP, FAFSA, ETV, & YIT Facts & Tips"

When: January 21, 2014 at 2:00pm EST


Ann Rossi, Departmental Analyst, Michigan Department of Human Services
Reco Spencer, Case Manager, Lutheran Social Services of Michigan
Shannon Price, Coordinator of Outreach Activities, State of Michigan/Dept of Treasury, Student Scholarships and Grants
This webinar will provide an overview of each program, discuss how to apply/get started, give the audience important tips and information, provide specific information about contact organizations and people to reach for additional support, touch on "College Goal Sunday", incude student voice, and will conclude with a Q&A segment.

Click here to register!