Center for Fostering Success Named one of 15 National Exemplary Initiatives by the Center for the Study of Social Policy!

Washington, DC, - January 15, 2013 
Today, the Center for Fostering Success was named one of 15 local, state and national youth and family serving initiatives making a critical difference in the lives of youth in foster care by the Center for the Study of Social Policy (CSSP), a national organization based in Washington DC.

Consistent with the mission of Western Michigan University, the work of the Center for Fostering Success is guided by the learning needs of students from foster care. This student-centered focus is data driven, and applied research and evaluation activities are utilized to inform teaching and service efforts. CFS's aim is to build intellectual inquiry, investigation, and discovery into the transition of young people from foster care to higher-education programs. Further, CFS provides leadership in student services, training and research on topics and matters related to foster care.

The Center for Fostering Success will provide CSSP and the child welfare field with on the ground examples of policies, training, and programs that operationalize the Youth Thrive protective and promotive factors, which is built around 5 research-informed factors: youth resilience, social connections and concrete support in times of need, knowledge of adolescent development, cognitive and social-emotional competence in youth.

Programs were selected out of more than 130 nominees and were chosen after a rigorous review that included a detailed written application, extensive site visits and interviews with youth, families and staff.

The Center for Fostering Success was thrilled to be named an exemplary initiative along with fellow Michigan organization, FAME - Michigan University. The two organizations have worked together in the past and are excited to continuing to partner in improving the outcomes for students from foster care!

About The Center for the Study of Social Policy

The Center for the Study of Social Policy (CSSP) is a national, nonprofit organization recognized for its leadership in shaping policy, reforming public systems and building the capacity of communities. For more than 30 years, CSSP has influenced and supported elected officials, public administrators, families and neighborhood residents to take the actions they need. Based in Washington, DC, CSSP translates research and new ideas into strategies for on-the-ground implementation. We use the knowledge from those real experiences to better inform the next generation of ideas, programs and policies. CSSP's goal is to make sure low income children can learn, develop and thrive with the support of strong families, in safe and healthy communities. For more information, visit or call 202-371-1565

About Youth Thrive

Youth Thrive is a framework developed by CSSP to help build protective and promotive factors in youth. Youth Thrive has two main priorities: To give child welfare agencies and their partners a way to translate the federal mandate for child well-being into actions that will secure the healthy development of youth in foster care; To create tools and trainings for practitioners working with at=risk youth, parents, foster parents, and relatives caring for youth.

The 15 exemplary programs, combined with two jurisdictions currently using the Youth Thrive framework - the state of New Jersey and Breward County, FL - will inform CSSP and the child welfare field programs and public policy across the country.

Learn more about the Center for Fostering Success!

CFS is comprised of three components, each with specific outcomes. The focus on Student Support targets youth and alumni of foster care who are 18-25 enrolled in the Western Michigan University. The Training and Outreach division targets youth and alumni of foster care who are 12 - 25 years old living anywhere in the state of Michigan. Finally, the Research and Evaluation division is in its start-up phase and seeks to bring together researchers and professionals interested in better understanding challenges and solutions related to foster youth and higher education and career.