Networking with your community partners, sharing resources and creating a supportive education pipeline. Regional Network Meetings are a fantastic opportunity to learn more about and network with community partners in your area.

This year FSM has four main goals for the Regional Network Meetings:

1) Provide a space for community-based networking among professionals in the FSM Network.

2) Provide information about the resources available in the community through brief presentations by the host school and other key partners.

3) Highlight resources available through the FSM website and demonstrate new features.

4) Learn how FSM can support the priorities of the community as they work to increase access and success in post-secondary education for students from foster care.

Please help us spread the word and invite partners you think may be interested in participating. Some partners may include:

  • Youth and alumni of foster care
  • Host school program staff, students, and support faculty
  • Community college staff and faculty
  • DHS case workers and education planners
  • Independent living service providers and coordinators
  • High school and middle school counselors
  • Local College Access Network coordinators and partners
  • Other community partners interested in participating and learning more about how to support youth and alumni of care in education

Regional Network Meetings - Dates, Times, and Locations

Not sure what region you are in? Click here to find out!


Southwest Region
Thursday, October 17th
Kalamazoo Valley Community College

6767 West O Street

Kalamazoo, MI 49009
Student Commons Theater
Room 4240

Southeast Region - Meeting 1
Wednesday, October 30th
Eastern Michigan University
EMU Student Center
Grand Ballroom B (2nd Floor)

North Region
Thursday, November 7th
Northwestern Michigan College
Building and room information coming soon

Central Region
Thursday, November 14th
Michigan State University
Kellogg Center
Room 103

Southeast Region - Meeting 2
Thursday, November 21st
Wayne State University
David Adamany Undergraduate Library, Bernath Auditorium

Northeast Region
Wednesday, December 4th
Saginaw Valley State University
Building and room information coming soon