Casey Life Skills Assessment
Starting at age 14, youth in foster care must begin preparation for Independent Living.
Starting at age 14, youth in foster care must begin preparation for Independent Living.
Check out this online magazine with stories written by and for youth and alumni of foster care.
Learn about what a college major is and which one will best suit you here.
Everyone needs support! See a list of Campus Services and what they can do to help you here.
Become skilled, certified, and employed! Discover Trade Schools that are in Michigan!
"Being of the LGBTQ community while also being in care makes it an even greater challenge for a young…
Learn about what your rights are in foster care.
Dont leave foster care without these 21 items!
FYIT funds can be used to help with a variety of non-educational related expenses that dare not…
To provide leadership and services, and promote quality and excellence for the advancement of…
Ensuring that young people in foster care have successful outcomes in housing, education, employment,…
The MSU FAME Program is a resource center for MSU students who have been in the foster care system or…
The Mpowering My Success program provides on-campus support to previous foster youth admitted to the…
Mentorship Access Guidance In College exists to increase the graduation rates among foster care…
The Ferris Youth Initiative was developed to increase higher education opportunities for young people…
Fostering Success Michigan is a program of Educate Tomorrow that aims to increase access and success in higher education and post-college careers for youth with experience in foster care. Learn how you can contribute to building a holistic network that insulates (i.e., strengthens protective factors and reduces risks) the education to career "pipeline."
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