Social Media: Tips for Youth in Foster Care
This tip sheet briefly describes the advantages and challenges youth in foster care may encounter…
This tip sheet briefly describes the advantages and challenges youth in foster care may encounter…
Want to be a mentor or enroll in a mentoring program? Then this directory is for you!
It's winter break, now what? Find ways to have fun, take part in new experiences, and prepare for the…
Read about normal reactions to death and healthy coping mechanisms for teens who experience the death…
Learn what you can do and what you shouldn't do when a friend is grieving the loss of a loved one.
Children experience many of the same feelings that adults do when someone close to them dies, but…
Fostering Media Connections features a series of "webisodes" on the importance of talking about sex…
Check out these guides to gain more information on financial aid, higher education resources, and much more.
This book was written by alumni of foster care for youth aging out of the foster care system.
Provides information and data trends on the conditions of America's children and families
Check out Metro Detroit's only local online resource directory serving high school students - ages 13-19.
Written by alumni of foster care, this guide gives advice to those who are in foster care and are…
Find support from other youth and alumni of care in this issue of Represent Magazine.
Represent Magazines issue on defining family for youth in foster care
Read the benefits and strategies in relationship education and its effects on foster and adoptive families.
Fostering Success Michigan is a program of Educate Tomorrow that aims to increase access and success in higher education and post-college careers for youth with experience in foster care. Learn how you can contribute to building a holistic network that insulates (i.e., strengthens protective factors and reduces risks) the education to career "pipeline."
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