
Marina’s Thoughts on Foster Care Month

Meet Marina Hopcraft, this is her first blog sharing her thoughts on national foster care month.

This is a month where we celebrate foster homes that have opened their homes and hearts to take care of kids, and have opened their homes as a safe place. I am grateful for the foster care system, yes there are many flaws within the system and some of those have affected me in many ways; however, I won't start off with the part that I am disappointed of, I'll start off with the ways that I am grateful for. I had inadequate education coming into foster care, and the foster family that took me into their home enrolled me in school. I started school in the beginning of sixth grade. I learned to write things down when things bothered me and when times were dark, I created my own escapes as things were hard to deal with. As time went on and I lived with the family and I continued school it became my escape, for things weren't going well at home, the people that I thought cared for me started to lie and things spiraled. School was my only escape, my heaven where I can throw myself at reading books and school work. The end of my sophomore year I wanted a job, and learn how to do things on my own like have my own bank account, little did I know that when I started to work that the money that I made did not belong to me. When it came time to moving out because of abuse and other things that I was not ok with, I tried to take money out of my account, but it turned out it was not my account, and they lied to me. The money that I earned went into their own bank accounts and I had nothing when I moved out to be independent. So, when I moved out I had to learn how to open my own bank account save money and how to be responsible with it.  Now don't get me wrong the foster care is great, but some kids don't get to have a happy ending.

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Fostering Success Michigan is a program of Educate Tomorrow that aims to increase access and success in higher education and post-college careers for youth with experience in foster care. Learn how you can contribute to building a holistic network that insulates (i.e., strengthens protective factors and reduces risks) the education to career "pipeline." 

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