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Promoting Positive Pathways to Adulthood (PPPA) is an online knowledge translation initiative that was developed to address the need for well-trained service providers to work with youth and young adults in the transition years who have mental health needs. The training integrates the best available practice and research knowledge on how to increase the engagement of transition age youth with serious mental health challenges in services. The training modules are designed to build the capacities of direct service providers, including peer support providers and family support providers who are working with youth and young adults aged 14-29 who have mental health difficulties, and their families. Participants will gain increased awareness of the unique needs of youth and young adults in the transition years, skills to engage with young people, and skills for collaboration with families and across the agencies and systems that young people are involved in. Ten hour-long online training modules were designed in consultation with a national advisory group of young people, family support specialists, cultural experts, service providers, educators, and researchers.
The skill-building trainings are based on a positive youth development and empowerment framework and highlight research findings that can be directly applied to practice. Each module is aligned with one or two core competencies for working with youth and young adults and their families. In line with current best practices for online education, PPPA incorporates: video segments featuring young people with behavioral health service experience, service providers, and family members; interactive exercises; knowledge tests; and, downloadable resources and references. To support the application of this research-based knowledge translation into practice, the accompanying toolkit includes implementation assistance in the form of practice scenarios, video segments with discussion questions, role plays, and questions, based on real-life situations that invite participants to apply their learning to practice in their local context. The identities of the participants and details in their stories have been changed to protect individuals’ privacy and to increase the relevance of the scenarios to different types of service providers in different organizational and community contexts.
Fostering Success Michigan is a program of Educate Tomorrow that aims to increase access and success in higher education and post-college careers for youth with experience in foster care. Learn how you can contribute to building a holistic network that insulates (i.e., strengthens protective factors and reduces risks) the education to career "pipeline."
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