Volunteers are needed for this year's Michigan College Application Week (MI CAW) taking place November 4th-8th. 

College Application Week is a national initiative with the goal to provide every graduating high school senior the opportunity to apply to college. Special focus is placed on assisting students who would be the first in their families to attend college and students who may not have otherwise seriously considered applying to college. College Application Week can open the door for students by encouraging them to take a significant step toward college in their senior year.

Volunteers are critical to a successful Michigan College Application Week event. This year more than 200 high schools and career tech centers are hosting MI CAW events. Statewide and local recruitment of volunteers is needed to provide sufficient help for each local host site.

Who can volunteer?

Volunteers may include high school staff, registrars and admissions officers from nearby postsecondary institutions, parents, alumni, and business leaders from the community.

What do volunteers do?

Volunteers can greet and sign-in students, assist students with the completion of online college applications, or distribute information about financial aid opportunities.

What do volunteers need to know?

If you're not familiar with MI CAW, it is encouraged that you to watch a pre-recorded volunteer recruitment webinar. This webinar reviews the history and purpose of the American College Application Campaign, Michigan's involvement, and how to sign up as a volunteer.  Since the webinar was pre-recorded so you can download and watch it at any time.

How do volunteers sign up?

Each host site will have specific needs for their College Application Week events. A host site list with site coordinator contact information is provided on the MI CAW website. Potential volunteers should contact sites directly to determine their volunteer needs. As sites tell us their volunteer needs are fulfilled, it will be noted within the host site list.

Typically, host sites are working with 25-30 students at one time and need 3-5 volunteers while working with the students. Volunteers will include internal high school staff and those external from the community.

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