Location: Lansing Capitol, 100 N Capitol Ave , Lansing, MI

Relatives, including grandparents, aunts, uncles, older siblings and others are important caregivers for children and youth, and many step in when parent's cannot. The eveidence couldn't be clearer that children and youth thrive in stable environments and that in so many cases, relatives are this stability. But it is also clear that those caregivers need support.  Please join us for the 1st Annual Relative Care Day at the State Capitol on September 18, 2019 from 8:30AM to 2:30PM. 

This Relative Care Capitol Day is a rare opportunity for legislators and other policy makers to hear relative care-givers of all types – grandparents, aunts and uncles, older siblings and others, along with the young people they are caring for, directly share their concerns and recommendations.   This day will highlight the experience and expertise of caregivers who are formally in our child welfare, foster care and adoption systems as well as those who are more informally providing care for their families.  They will be sharing what kinds of programs and initiatives have served them well, and where those programs have not been good enough, including financial support, navigator spaces, court system/legal options, mental health and other services.  In addition, there is a lot we don’t know about how to support relative caregivers, so we need to make time and space to ask them and the young people they are caring for!  

Click here to view the flyer! 

Financial support is available for child care, transportation, and other expenses! 

For more information or to register contact: Michele Corey

